Germany: Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... Representative of Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee
Pamela Clausius
Country Germany
Natura 2000 site location Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Nearest urban settlement Schwerin,Hamburg, Lübeck
Natura 2000 site name Lebensader Schilde
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site Schildeniederung, Tessiner Moor, Neuendorfer Moor
Natura 2000 site number DE2531-303
Size of site (hectares) 1,100 ha
Key Species types Vertigo moulinsiana
Vertigo angustior
Lampetra planeri
Misgurnus fossilis
Cobitis Taenia
Cottus gobio
Lutra lutra
Key Habitat types 3150, 3160, 3260, 6410, 6430, 6510, 7120, 7140, 9110, 9130, 9160, 9190, 91EO
Key management issues The site is characterized by 2 bogs (Tessiner and Neuendorfer Moor) aswell as the meadows of the river Schilde. The key management issues are the restoration of the bogs, which have been drained deeply over the last decades and stream restoration. After a period of analysing the sites, a management plan for each individual site is in progress, featuring issues as: Restoration of the bogs and river beds, improving of the watercourses, extensive Agriculture, rebuilding of the drainage systems, planting native wetland plants, developing nature oriented tourism to ensure the social and economical embedment of Natura 2000 to this site.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year In 2005 the biosphere reserve Schaalsee will arrange 3 green days.
1: A guided hiking tour to Kneese
2: A guided tour: "When the bogs bloom"
3: A guided bird watching tour around Kirchensee
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level We do a lot of press work for local newspapers aswell as for our own newspaper "Biosphäre aktuell", where we inform about our activities and events concening Natura 2000. The biosphere reserve has its own exhibition (also concerning Natura 2000). 2 employes (part-time) are financed by the DBU in order to organize the whole process for the next 2 years.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership We work with and depend on the local farmers and their agreement to most of the management issues. The farmers are strongly involved in the project. We also work together with the communities, which partly finance some of the management issues.
Involved in European networking / Twinned with other site for knowledge exchange We are not formally twinned with another site, but many international contacts exist. The biosphere reserve has contacts especially to Scandinavia and Turkey. We also work closely together with Europarc and have contacts to other Biosphere Reserves and National Parks in Germany.
Branding Natura 2000 We do carry the Natura 2000 logo for example on posters in the offices of the Biosphere Reserve. It is also used on the website and on flyers, aswell as explained in the exhibition.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Pamela Clausius (Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee is an NNi Ambassador.


Site photos


Site contact Pamela Clausius (Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee)
Web site