France: Confluence de la Dore dans l'Allier

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... Representative of LPO (Ligue Française pour la Protection des Oiseaux) Auvergne
Jean-Jacques Lallemant
Country France
Natura 2000 site location Auvergne
Nearest urban settlement Vichy
Natura 2000 site name Confluence de la Dore dans l'Allier
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site Bec de Dore
Natura 2000 site number sPIC (future ZSC) n° FR830132 ZICO n° AE13
Site description / classification The confluence of the rivers Allier /Dore forms a remarquable fluvial ecosystem. The Dore affluent brings in important water flows during flooding periods, which generates a very mobile downstream situation and the presence of the most important meanders in Puy-de-Dôme. Upstream, the fluvial dynamic is weak, which allowed riparian forests to develop. One of the most developped hard-wood riparian forest ecosystem is found on the 80ha sector concerned by the ""Bec-de-Dore project"", with a rare 91FO and 9180 Natura 2000 habitats examples. Herons and Milvus migrans bredding colonies are present, as well as Burhinus oedicnemus and Actitis hypoleucos on the beaches and islands. Hydraulic annexes are habitats for Rhodeus sericeus, Esox lucius and Marsilea quadrifolia (one the the very few spots in the region). Migrants include Balbuzard pêcheur, and wintering ducks. Lutra lutra came back recently, and Castor fiber is currently colonising.

The site is part of Natura 2000 network both through Habitats and Bird Directives. The Natura 2000 Management Plan (DOCOB) will be developped during year 2005.

This site is also part of a ""Loire Nature Programm"" conducted by LPO Auvergne -2002-2006). The sector ""Bec-de-Dore"" whose description is given here, is a specific project of the general programm."

Size of site (hectares) 480 ha
Key Species types Lutra lutra
Castor fiber
Barbastellus barbastella
Myotis emarginatus
Noctula leisleri
Rhodeus sireceus
Anguilla anguilla
Leucaspius delineatus
Chondrostoma toxostoma
Nycticorax nycticorax
Egretta garzetta
Milvus migrans
Pernis apivorus
Falco subbuteo
Burhinus oedicnemus
Sterna hirundo
Sterna albifrons
Actitis hypoleucos
Charadrius dubius
Alcedo atthis
Merops apiaster
Picus canus
Dendrocopos medius
Riparia riparia
Lullula arborea
Lanius collurio
Lucanus cervus
Coenagrion mercuriale
Ophiogomphus cecilia
Lycaena dispar
Satyrium w-album
Ulmus laevis
Marsilea quadrifolia
Pulicaria vulgaris
Thalictrum flavum
Aillium consimile
Key Habitat types "boires" (bras-morts) : 3150
végétation rivulaire sur vases : 3270
mégaphorbiaies : 6430
pelouses sèches : 6210
chênaies pédonculés : 9160
Frênaie-ormaie fluviale : 91F0
Frênaie à scolopendre : 9180 (habitat prioritaire).
Key management issues To save this remarquable fluvial ecosystem by avoiding any new degradation to the fluvial movement freedom and/or to the erosion dynamics (especially the lateral dynamic). - It is also necessary to undertake communication and relations with administrations, local communities, local stakeholders and inhabitants. - Invasive animal and vegetal species. - Riverbed deepening. - Act to promote the reappropriation of the river by its riverine populations.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year As part of the public information actions, the Regional Park of Livradois-Forez and the Tourism Office from Thiers organise yearly, in the summer, a programm including 4-6 Discovery Visits in situ, which are conducted by the local environmental organisation LPO Auvergne.
Involved in European networking / Twinned with other site for knowledge exchange At regional level, exchanges take place between the coordinators of the ""Loire Nature"" programm (CREN Auvergne and CREN Allier). Echanges also exist between the coordinator of the Natura 2000 Management Plan (CREN Allier) and Fisher's organisations, concerning actions aiming at eradicating the invasive Ludwigia. LPO is a member of EUROSITE.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership

Within the Natura 2000 site: the BEC DE DORE management project...

Insure the long terme preservation of fluvial dynamics and alluvial habitats

- undertake prior studies and management plans
- Maintain the lateral movement freedom of the river
- improve knowledge of the site
- Save / enhance local biodiversity
- Marketting the river's and valley's image toward visitors / avoid local pollutions

- LPO owns 11 ha since 1989 (bought as part of an ACNAT project).
- LPO manages an 11ha piece of land since 1996, which is owned by SIAEP (water adduction body)
- LPO also works on 380ha of fluvial public property (DPF) through annual agreements and concertations with sectorial Equipment Bodies in charge of the administrative management ; Regarding this aspect,

Management agreements between LPO and French State should be signed in 2005. Based on these starting points, the Bec de Dore sector was included in the « Loire Nature Programm » second phase (2002-2006), as well as a vast complementory sector located both in Allier and Puy-de-Dôme (downstream the Allier/Dore confluence). In 2003, the Auvergne Conseil General (Department) acquired 67ha of hard wood forest, dry meadows and plantations. This was done as part of the ENS departemental projects, following advice from LP. This land is located next to LPO and DPF land, therefore forming a large 80ha protected sector. LPO and ONF (Public Forest Body) wrote the management Plan, and LPO now awaits to be given the management responsibility.


Prior studies / Management plans or directories:
- Writing the 80ha anagement plan in collaboration with ONF (2004-mars 2005). Its main objectives are :
- Maintain the lateral movement freedom of both rivers (Dore and Allier)
- Maintain / enhance local biodiversity eg by maintaining / creating open spaces within this densely closed (wooded) properties
- Insure quietness of the sector

Maintain the lateral movement freedom of both rivers:
- Partners now expect to start working on the possibility to suppress rock embankments on some sectors

Improve knowledge of the site:
- Study Herons breeding sites (breeding pairs counts)
- Study Burhinus oedicnemus and Sterna sp. breeding
- Implement IPA (breeding bird census techniques)

Preserve / enhance local biodiversity:
- Management works were undertaken on the hydraulic annexes of the river, where the Auvergne most important Esox lucius breeding grounds are found : pollarding Salix trees, topographical surveys, water levels surveys relating to Allier water flows, chemical and physical water quality surveys, fisch and water macroinvertebrates inventories, post-opening vegetation recolonisation surveys…
- Dry meadows management (haying, clearing of bushes) helps maintaining the site's diversity as fluvial dynamics will not, in this particular place, renew habitats before a very long period of time. The objective is to maintain a high breeding birds and rhopaloceran diversity.
- The Marsilea quadrifolia plant station is being visited regularly so as to detect and deter any new Ludwigia growth.
- a second hydraulic annex is completely invaded by Ludwigia. A group of volunteers carried out a suppressing work on a « witness point » in july 2004. The objective was to evaluate the cost of such work, as well as tyhe necessary effort to maintain such cleared out points opened.
- All works are carried out by LPO employees (2 persons) plus volunteers, helpers, students, external interventions…

Marketting the river's and valley's image toward visitors / avoid local pollutions:
- Eliminate an important wild dumping site, have interventions on several others
- Sensibilise the public through field visits, conferences…
- local newsletter
- Leaflet on the local natural heritage
- As part of the public information actions, the Regional Park of Livradois-Forez and the Tourism Office from Thiers organise yearly, in the summer, a programm including 4-6 Discovery Visits in situ, which are conducted by the local environmental organisation LPO Auvergne

These actions are carried out in partnership with financing bodies, administrations, local communities : Departments of Allier & Puy-de-Dôme, Region, DIREN, Water Agency, maires of the concerned towns. Each action as specific collaborations : for instance, the « Esox lucius project » works through a LPO - Fishermen - Fish Council partnership. The « Ludwigia » and « wild dumping sites » projects work trhough an LPO - Maires - Equipment Body cooperation…

This action is financed through Loire Nature Programm, by the fiollowing partners : DIREN Auvergne, Region Auvergne, Department 63, Loire Bretagne Water Agency.

Promoting the Natura Network Initiative (NNi) at the local level This site is encouraged to make use of the Eurosite Natura 2000 Green Days Toolkit to provide information on Natura 2000 to visitors.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Jean-Jacques Lallemant (LPO Auvergne) lpo-auvergne.jjlallemant(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


Site photos


For further info
Site contact Jean-Jacques Lallemant (LPO Auvergne) lpo-auvergne.jjlallemant(a)