France: Marais Breton, Baie de Bourgneuf, Ile de Noirmoutier et Foret de Mont

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... Representative of Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Délégation Vendée
Matthieu Cosson
Country France
Natura 2000 site location Pays de la Loire
Nearest urban settlement Nantes
Official site name/s Marais Breton, Baie de Bourgneuf, Ile de Noirmoutier et Foret de Mont
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site Marais Breton
Natura 2000 site number SIC n°FR5200653
Site description / classification Site d'Intérêt Communautaire (Directive Habitats) et Zone d'Importance pour la Conservation des Oiseaux (ZICO, future ZPS, Directive Oiseaux)

Size of site (hectares) 53,000 ha
Key Species types 1355 Lutra lutra
1166 Triturus cristatus
1676 Omphalodes littoralis
1088 Cerambyx cerdo
1134 Rhodeus sericeus amarus
key bird species list (PDF, 66.8 kb)
Key Habitat types 1110 Bancs de sable à faible couverture permanente d'eau marine
1130 Estuaires
1140 Replats boueux ou sableux exondés à marée basse
1150 Lagunes
1170 Récifs et bancs d'hermelles
1310 Végétation annuelle pionnière à salicornes des zones boueuses et sableuses
1320 Prés à Spartina (spartinion)
1330 prés salés atlantiques (Glauco-puccinellietalia)
1410 Marais et prés salés méditerranéens et thermo-atlantiques (Juncetalia maritimi)
1420 Fourrés halophiles thermo-atlantiques (Arthrocnemetalia fruticosae)
2110 Végétation annuelle des laisses de mer
2120 Dune mobile embryonnaire
2120 Dune mobile (dune blanche)
2132 Dunes fixées (dunes grises)
2170 Dune à Salix arenaria
2180 Dunes boisée du littoral atlantique
2190 Dépressions humides intradunales
Key management issues Preserve the marsh and associated soft water aquatic habitats through the enhancing of extensive management and of biodiversity most favorable actions - Preserve lagoon habiats and their associated biodiversity through a dynamic management of the salted sectors - Preserve Lutra lutra by insuring the proper functionment of hydraulic network + improve water quality + restore fish prey availability/resource - Preserve habitat of Triturus cristatus by preserving a network of good quality soft water habitats, not related to the hydraulic network - Preserve shore and sand habitats and their biological potential - Preserve best examples of habitat 1170 - Preserve the dynamic and diersity of halophilous habitats, salt marshes and shores - Maintain sand dunes habitats by best managing natural sand exchanges and public frequentation - Pursue the intergration of forest habitats protection in public access management and by enhancing leaftrees and biodiversity - Preserve the main habitat of Omphalodes littoralis.


Natura Network Agreements
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership Mise en œuvre du plan de gestion de la lagune de Bouin (PDF, 4.3 Mb)

Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level Before the project took place : Meetings with a neighboring Oyster porducer, with farmers, and with hunters, This was to present the project idea and discuss points of non agreement and points of agreements to develop. Then, a meeting was organised with a first Management Commission (Communes, Oyster producers, farmers, professionnals of tourism, hunters, LPO) so as to present the different management options to take as the Natura 2000 contract. This site is encouraged to make use of the Eurosite Natura 2000 Green Days Toolkit to provide information on Natura 2000 to visitors.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Matthieu Cosson (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Délégation Vendée) marais-breton(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


For further info
Site contact Matthieu Cosson (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Délégation Vendée) marais-breton(a)