United Kingdom: East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths National Nature Reserve

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... A representative of English Nature
Phil Page
Country United Kingdom
Natura 2000 site location South West England
Nearest urban settlements Torbay, Exeter, Plymouth and Newton Abbot (Devon).
Natura 2000 site name East Dartmoor Woods & Heaths National Nature Reserve
Natura 2000 site number UK0012749 (part of this site)
Size of site (hectares) 365
Key Species types Dormouse
Atlantic salmon
Greater horseshoe bat
Dartford warbler
Night jar
Pearl bordered fritillary butterfly
High brown fritillary butterfly
Blue ground beetle
Key Habitat types Upland western oakood
Dry heath
Valley mire
Key management issues Dry heath - Managing dry heath in a way that prevents major fires or succession to woodland and also a mosaic of growth stages that encourages the optimum number of species. Western oakwood - control the spread of non-indigenous species especially beech, rhododendron and cherry laurel and to improve srtuctural diversity by selective thinning and felling. Research - The site is part of the ECN Upland Change Network. It is also important to record long-term changes in habitats in both managed and unmanaged areas.


Natura Network Agreements
Organising at least one Green Days event per year No events planned for 2004
Promoting Natura 2000 at the local level We always mention the European importance of the site in press releases, guided visits etc.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership In the case of Trendlebere Down the site manager was instrumental in encouraging the registered graziers to form an association. This enabled them to access money from the Environmentally Sensitive Area which in turn led to the introduction of grazing. The commoners were involved in discussions leading to drawing up of the management plan. There is an annual AGM of the Association which is attended by the farmers and the site manager who is also the secretary of the association. There is also liaison with the representatives of the adjoining common. Management operations such as moving livestock and controlled burning are carried out jointly between conservation staff and graziers - we help them and they help us.
Branding Natura 2000 All our main signs carry the Natura 2000 network logo and refer to the designation. Our interpretive display and leaflet stress the European importance of the site as does our management plan.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Phil Page (English Nature) Phil.Page(a)English-Nature.Org.UK is an NNi Ambassador.


Site leaflet
outer page (PDF, 1.4 Mb)   inner page (PDF, 689.8 kb)


For further info
Website www.english-nature.org
Site contact Phil Page (English Nature) Phil.Page(a)English-Nature.Org.UK