France: Moyenne Vallée de la Charente et Seugnes

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... Representative of Fédération Départementale de Pêche et de Protection des Milieux Aquatiques de Charente-Maritime
Sylvain Lavaur
Country France
Natura 2000 site location Charente-Maritime
Nearest urban settlement Saintes
Natura 2000 site name Moyenne Vallée de la Charente et Seugnes
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site Val de Charente et Seugnes
Natura 2000 site number SPIC n°FR5400-472 + ZPS n°FR5412005
Site description / classification Site Potentiel d'Intérêt Communautaire (Dhabitats). Zone de Protection Spéciale (DOiseaux)

Size of site (hectares) 7087 ha
Key Species types Râle des genêts Crex crex Vison d'Europe Mustela lutreola (1356)
Loutre d'europe Lutra lutra (1355)
Grand Rhinolophe Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 1(304)
Petit Rhinolophe Rhinolophus hipposideros 1303
Grand Murin Myotis myotis 1324 B
Grand Murin Myotis myotis 1324
Barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus 1308
Minioptère de Schreibers Miniopterus schreibersi 1310
Murin à oreilles échancrées Pyotis emarginatus 1321
Murin de Beschtein Myotis Beschteini 1323
Rosalie des Alpes Rosalia alpina 1087
Lucane cerf-volant Lucanus cervus 1083
Grand Capricorne Cerambix cerdo 1088
Cuivré des Marais Lycaena dispar 1060
Cordulie à corps fin Oxygastra curtisii 1041
Gomphe de Graslin Gomphus graslinii 1046
Agrion de Mercure Coenagrion mercuriale 1044
Macromie splendide Macromia splendens
Lamproie de rivière Lampetra fluviatilis 1099
Lamproie de Planer Lampetra planeri 1096
Lamproie marine Petromyzon marinus
Râle des genêts Crex crex Vison d'Europe Mustela lutreola (1356)
Chabot Cottus gobio 1163
Grande Alose Alosa alosa
Alose feinte Alosa fallax
Key Habitat types Prairies alluviales inondables de fauche (habitat d'espèces)
Prairies oligotrophes calcicoles sur alluvions fines 6410
Bas-marais neutro alcalin 7230
Cladiaie turficole dense 7210
Frênaie alluviale 91E0/91F0
Cours d'eau et végétations aquatiques 3140/3150/3270/3260
Mégaphorbiaies eutrophes 6430/6440
Pelouses calcicoles sèches 6210
Key management issues Preserving floodplain hay meadows : presence + hay cutting. Preserving the long lasting flooding of low lying meadows. Preserving Cladium mariscus stands 7210 (DH*) and 7230. Preserving rivers water quality.


Natura Network Agreements
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership RESTAURATION ET GESTION DE FRAYERES A BROCHET EN LIT MAJEUR (PDF, 5.8 Mb)



The site's Docob was elaborated in three phases, and accepted on the 04-06-1998, 10-10-2001 and 12-12-2005. As part of the 1998 action plan (section « water and hydrology), an action is named « Maintain or restore fishbreeding sites (river or floodplains)


For the floodplain, this action aims at preserving the hydrological functions of the long-lasting submersions of lowlying meadows of the valley. More specifically, it aims at preserving or restoring fish natural habitats of the floodplain, particularly those of Esox lucius considered to be a good indicator of the lowlying meadows and aquatic and riparian habitats conservation state.


Develop tools and techniques permetting to maintain, restore and manage fish breeding sites of the floodplain ; the first local problem being mostly to re-establish the connection between the breeding site and the river:-

  • restoration and caring of ditches (desiltation, taking away obstacles, restoring bank vegetation)
  • implementation &/or restporation and/or management of hydraulic systems
  • development of Managing agreements between FDPPMA and local stakeholders
  • land acquiring and managing by FDPPMA (managing toolframe : Natura 2000 Contract)

The action also benefits from other existing tools:-

  • Agri-environmental measures : an option « fish breeding sites » allows farmers to keep watersubmersion until 15th of may in the lowlying parts of meadows
  • Management agreements between FDPPMA and 3 local organisation, aiming at environmental management of some general important ditches
  • Regional Fish Scheme (1990-1997-1999)
  • Regional Plan for the protection and management of fish resources


FDPPMA 17 : leader of the project. Coordinates all, acquires land, realises fish diagnostics and post-actions fish surveys, leads and surveys the works conducted on sites, gives environmental advice for local stakeholders and project partners…

Local stakeholders : manage the hydraulic systems (periods ands waterlevels are determined in a management agreement between them and the FDPPMA)

Docob coordinating structure : makes the links and the coherence between the action untertaken, and the aims of the Docob.


RESULTS INDICATORS: fish breeding success survey.





Private land near Charente river (1ha 74a), out of which are lowlying meadows (the fish breeding site does not function properly because the ditch is full of mud : therefore, the young fish cannot return to the river once grown).

  • works undertaken by the FDPPMA consist of caring of the 60m.l. of the ditch so as to re-establish the link between the breeding site and the river
  • the owner, a farmer, took the Agri-environmental option « fish breeding sites » on the 52a
  • fish breeding success survey



The lowlying hay meadow « Prairie de Saint-Sorlin » (87ha, Saintes) is a vast (87ha) sector of preserved floodplain along the river Charente and its derivation chanel.

Prairie de Saint-Sorlin à Saintes

Within this sector, 3 hunting stations are found, one of which is not in use anymore. Thses hunting stations are in fact low-lying sectors of the meadow which receive water from the river during winter and spring floods, through direct fllod and/or ditches and hydraulic systems. When flooded, they become excellent habitats for ducks. Moreover, the flooding period of hunting stations is also the good Esox lucius reproduction period. That is why it is interesting to have management agreements between hunters and FDPPMA organisation : a participation to the functionning maintenance (ditches maintenance, hydraulic system restoration) can be organised.

Moreover, the whole meadow system in this sector constitutes a vast potential Esox lucius breeding ground. To enhance this potential, improvement should be made to hydraulic connexions between hunting stations, ditches, River, derivation cala and meadows.

Works conducted:

In 2004, the owner of the 2 hunting stations was approached by FDPPMA, which resulted in:

  • improvement works conducted on his land to make them function again as Esox lucius bredding grounds
  • a management agreement was signed between the owner and the FDPPMA concerning the management of the hydraulic system built by the FDPPMA (see following texte)
  • Moreover, the owner will soon give the second hunting station to the FDPPMA (non paying retrocession)

Management agreement:

  • beginning of Jan to end feb:
    • Manoeuvering of the small sluice gate follow:
    • the closing hunting dates
    • tide levels (the river is submitted to tidal movements at this time of year)
    • recomamndations from the FDPPMA

The aim is to allow the incoming of reproductive adults on the inundated meadow, and then maintain the high water level.

  • From 1srt march to end of may : WATER LEVEL MAINTAINED HIGH : sluice is closed so as to maintain high and stable water levels and completely avoid drying out of the breeding grounds
  • 1er june to 15 june : SLOW EMPTYING : it is now necessary to slowly allow water out so as to permit young fish to return to the river and have the meadow dried out by the 15 june
  • From 15 june to end june : SLUICE OPEN : Sluice is kept open throughout the high tidal coefficients so as to allow all connections in and out with the river, and the escape of all young fish in the river
  • Beginning july to end dec. : NO RECOMMANDATIONS : With regard to Esox lucius, no recommandations are needed during this period. Management is left to the owners choice and judgment.

Calendrier prévisionnel de gestion de l'ouvrage

Results survey: Survey of breeding Esox lucius will be conducted in 2005.



This restoration project initiated from the local Organisation for Fishing and Protecting of Aquatic habitats « Les Pêcheurs de la Seugne », in agreement and total partnership with the owner. Th Montils site is particularly good as Esiox lucius breeding grounds, and was a long term known site (old people memory for instance). The site directly borders the river Seugne. The owner, very positive and happy about the project, plans to organise a horse's and pedestrian pathway along the site and might propose an interpretation plan to allow the public to learn about Esox lucius and wet meadows in general.

Works conducted

The ringing ditch, completely fulled up with mu and vegetation, was restored to functionality in 2003, based on topographical surveys. A complementary clearing out was conducted in 2004 to enhance hydraulic connections with other existing ditches on the site ands the river, and therefore improve agin potentialities.

Improving hydraulic connexions
Connecting ditches under the road (800mm)
Water levels management sluice

The sluice management has been given to the owner through a management agreement.

Management agreement:

  • Beginning of Jan to end feb : SLUICE OPEN : the sluice is kept opened so as to ensure free communication between the river Seuge and the breeding ground to allow the incoming of reproductive adults
  • From 1srt march to end of may : WATER LEVEL MAINTAINED HIGH : sluice is closed so as to maintain high and stable water levels and completely avoid drying out of the breeding grounds
  • 1er june to 15 june : SLOW EMPTYING : it is now necessary to slowly allow water out so as to permit young fish to return to the river and have the meadow dried out by the 15 june
  • From 15 june to end june : SLUICE OPEN : Sluice is kept open throughout the high tidal coefficients so as to allow all connections in and out with the river, and the escape of all young fish in the river
  • Beginning july to end dec. : NO RECOMMANDATIONS : With regard to Esox lucius, no recommandations are needed during this period. Management is left to the owners choice and judgment.
Calendrier prévisionnel de gestion de l'ouvrage

First results:

A female was found (dead and full of eggs ; reason unknown although analyses were conducted) in march 2004 near the ditch cleared out in 2003. No young fish were found in the following spring and surveys will be conducted again in 2005.


Promoting the Natura Network Initiative (NNi) at the local level "Concertation/information meetings with local stakeholders as part of the Natura 2000 management Plan general procedure INFOSITE informaiton newslettre (local). Local newspapers : whenever an important actions takes place, the Natura 2000 coordinator tries to promote Natura 2000 through these. This site is encouraged to make use of the Eurosite Natura 2000 Green Days Toolkit to provide information on Natura 2000 to visitors.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Sylvain Lavaur (Fédération Départementale de Pêche et de Protection des Milieux Aquatiques de Charente-Maritime) sylvain.lavaur(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


For further info
Site contact Sylvain Lavaur (Fédération Départementale de Pêche et de Protection des Milieux Aquatiques de Charente-Maritime) sylvain.lavaur(a)