Spain: La Punta de la Móra (XCT)

Site fact file
Natura 2000 Ambassador for the Natura Network Initiative... Representative of DEPANA (Defending the Natural Heritage) 
Marta Grau Rodriguez
Country Spain
Natura 2000 site location Catalonia
Nearest urban settlement Tarragona
Natura 2000 site name La Punta de la Móra (XCT)
Unofficial but locally accepted name/s for the site Bosc de la Marquesa
Natura 2000 site number ES 5140007
Site description / classification Punta de la Móra is an enclave situated in the township of Tarragona. This littoral natural site, according to the decree 328/19992, belongs to the PEIN Punta de la Móra-Tamarit. The Punta de la Móra natural site has an extension of approximately 100 ha scattered among the following environmnets: forest, cultivation and coastal and 300 marine ha. The natural and landscape characteristics that present this site are remarcable, since most of Tarragona's coast has been lost due to human impact along the coast line.
Size of site (hectares) 100 ha terrestrial + 300 ha marine
Key Species types FLORA
Juniperus phoenicea ssp.
Chamaerops humilis
Halimium halimifolium
Limonium gibertii
Crucianella maritima
Ammophila arenaria
Pancratium maritimum
Ceratonia siliqua
Ejemplar monumental de Juniperus lyciae
Entoloma pseudodysthales
Rhodocybe malensonii
Atelerix alguirus
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Myotis myotis
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Plecotus auritius
Acanthodactylus erythrurus
Clouber hippocrepis
Chalcides striatus
Salamandra salamandra
Larus audouinni
Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii
Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus
Gavia immer
Calonectris diomedea
Hydrobates pelagicus
Egretta garzetta
Pandion haliaetus
Sterna sandvicensism
Sterna hirundo
Sterna albifrons
Chlydonias niger
Alcedo atthis
Sylvia undata.
Key Habitat types Posidonia fields, cliffs with endemic limonium, dunes with Crucianellion maritimae, dunes with Juniperus, dune forests with Pinus pinea and Olea ceratonia forests.
Key management issues Biodiversity studies: insects, birds, carnivorous mammals, dunes ecosistems. Forestry management: development of the PTGMF. Restoration of the natural heritage: cleaning, restoring paths. Environmental education and volunteer strategies. Order plan of natural site uses. Management evaluation through indicators of analysis.


Natura Network Agreements
Involved in European networking / Twinned with other site for knowledge exchange We have began a 'twinned' process with the natural site of "Captaillat" in France, managed by the Conservatoire du littoral. We belong to Land Stewardship Network of Catalonia - Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (XCT). DEPANA (Lliga Per A la Defensa Del Patrimoni Natural), is a member of EUROSITE.
Involving local stakeholders in the management planning process - creating a local area partnership As much as possible, especially with local and autonomous stakeholders, visitors of the area, volunteers and campings close to the natural area.
Promoting the Natura Network Initiative (NNi) at the local level This site makes use of the Eurosite Natura 2000 Green Days Toolkit to provide information on Natura 2000 to visitors.
Agreeing to become an NNi ambassador Marta Grau Rodriguez (DEPANA) marta.grau(a) is an NNi Ambassador.


Site photos


  • "Depana i l'Ajuntament posen en marxa una campanya per preservar la punta de Móra"
  • "Acord per la preservació de la Punta de la Móra, signat entre Depana i l'Ajuntament"
  • "Objetivo: preservar la Punta de la Móra"
  • "Un museu natural a l'aire Iliure"
  • "El treball naturalista de DEPANA a tarragona" [1]
  • "El treball naturalista de DEPANA a tarragona" [2]

    Site publications
    '3Linies' (PDF, 232.4 kb) Quatre dades i per comencar (PDF, 1.5 Mb) Un espai de gran valor al litoral mediterrani (PDF, 1.6 Mb) Un itinerari de descoberta (PDF, 2.9 Mb)


    For further info
    Site contact Marta Grau Rodriguez (DEPANA) marta.grau(a)